Sunday, September 25, 2011

No Feedback? :(

I have no idea, but even when I have turned the comments to "annoymous can comment", there aren't any people who decide to leave me a comment or so. I encourage you to, for the comments will help our animations get better and better.
Also I am writing a novel! YIPPEE! It's about Samantha, since Blackey is too cool to have a diary and Tabbi likes things personal, so she locked her's up. However, Samantha seems to misplace things and accidently knocked her diary on the floor, wide open. We asked Samantha permission to publish her diary and she agreed, Tabbi shaking her head as there were private things in there like romance, but Samantha doesn't attract any men, so Blackey thinks it's perfectly fine.
Wish us luck,
The Lilac Crew and LilyBlossomRose ^^

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Team Lilacs!

Yes, the name of the group is called "Team Lilacs!"
Now you're wondering how the fudge derpy did we get that name. Tabbi suggested the word LILAC. Samantha agrees excitedly but Blackey would prefer something else like SHADES. Samantha teased him, calling the team HUES. Blackey facepalms.
Anyway, 2 against one, LILAC name wins. Lilac stands for (in their opinion).
Loopy cats
Interesting personalities
Lame stuff not included
And we are epic
Call us Lilac Cats!

Not my fault...theirs.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I managed to finally get the icon in order! No, it is not Mickey Mouse- it is Blackey! Most people love Blackey, so I hope this would make everyone happy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Being neighborly

I was strolling in stats, when I found out that Germany has visited my site. The reason why I actually only posted this here was because this is a "Famous National?" bloggy. I was like o3o and then I whooped out loud. Well...not exactly. It's about night here. Less than ten o'clock PM. This is definitely something to use to boost views! Thank you viewers! Grateful face here.

Upcoming Winter!

Because of Winter, we have created a new blog so you can migrate there to sip on a cup of cocoa! YAAAY! Subscribe to me on youtube or I'll get lazy.