Anyway. Here's a guide to the crew!
He is a cameraman (or rather, camera-chu) for the animations. He used to be an actor but due to copyrights he was dropped into the cameraman position. He also brings in the viewers.
She's the "famous one". Whenever she can, she tries to hog the stage. She's also irresistable to all you crazy, silly and furry fans out there. She is Tabbi's rival and Blackey's younger sister. Samantha's known as "Sam".
Gender: Female | Cream Persian
He's the most favorited because of his personality of being cool and calm. One time fans were asked to determine the most favorite to be recognized. The winner? Definitely Blackey. He is Sam's older brother. In honor, the blog's URL changed from poplilac . com to blackeyblackey . com. He is also awarded a page for himself to admire.
Gender: Male | Black Cat
Tabbi is the favorite of stylish, chic girls and women. Her rival is Samantha. Before, no one knew who Tabbi was. Now she's known for her complete difference between the other two cats, Blackey and Samantha. Tabbi hogs the screen, too, so Samantha and Tabbi compete.
Gender: Female | Havana Brown Cat
Popsicle Cat
He is one of the least known because he never appears anymore. But truly, he is the prop cat. He appeared in the Popsicle / Derpsicle / Blarghsicle / Orangesicle series. Not much is known about this cat.
Gender: Male | Nebelung Cat
Oranges (Range & O'Range)
Range: He is Pikachu's Orangemon (lol). He has his personal masterball (sweet!) and his personal pampering (weird). His personality is mad...
O'Range: Tabbi's orangemon. To get an orangemon, lick an orangesicle and your orange will appear! WOOHOO! O'Range is put in a masterball and he is very quiet and shy.
Gender: Male | Mandarin Orange
That's all ya need to know. To see the crew in action, visit LilyPadRose's channel via Youtube or